Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thoughts from the road

Funny the difference that can be made in just one simple conversation.
I was walking with a friend tonight here in Paris to go get crepes and we ended up by the Eiffel Tower. We stood across the street ordering over prices crepes overwhelmed by the view. It's funny how many people travel across the world to see the spectacle that was at first argued to be solely an eye sore to the Parissiens. But with the proper marketing it is now viewed as the center for romance world wide. THE WHOLE WORLD comes to see it and count their lives as enriched by the experience. All this for a radio tower that was once close to being torn down before it got an image makeover.

Imagine with me for a minute that we could capture together the imagination and inspiration of our peers to unite around a cause that could truly help others. Not just charity work; but using a process we would still use otherwise to bring a greater good to those around us.

That is our goal at YouthMerch. If you are looking for someone you can trust for your custom t-shirt printing we not only can make that happen with excellence but we also give a portion of ALL proceeds to the Got Your Back Movement. helping benefit those who are not as fortunate as ourselves.

If you are looking for someone to print your Rush T-shirts, College T-shirts, Church T-shirts, Corporate T-shirts,or any other Custom T-shirt Design, Youthmerch is here for you!

Visit your Nashville Screen Printer website:

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