Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Church T-shirts
Spreading the word is a definite must. Spreading the word on a T-shirt is also a must but its not a "gimme". Get the right message with the rigth design on the right shirt for maximum impact. Check out some of our newest Church T-shirt designs coming out of youthmerch!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fresh new designs = a fresh new look!
Daily we are recreating, reinventing and re branding your campus with sorority t-shirts, fraternity t-shirts and student life t-shirts. Honestly its exciting to chec back on the YouthMerch website daily and see the newest design posted. The best news is that if you see something o our page that you love, we will print those shirts for you with NO design charge! Its amazing the variety and options we have available for you today. We would love your feed back on what you think we may be missing or what we've left out. We know that on any given day we still are not as good as we will be on the following one. We strive to improve and better serve you every day.
Take some time and check out the designs! If after looking through our dozens of designs on the Campus Life Page, you dont find what you need just call us up or email us and let us know what you are looking for and we will have a designed to you in no time! Whatever it is you are looking for, this Nashville Screen Printer can make it happen! We are excited to do your Rush shirts and all other Student Life T-shirts and College T-shirts! Call us today!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Some new college t-shirts
We are constantly updating and refreshing out database of free art that we can customize to your specifications. With it now (today) being officially fall schools are back in full force. With the return to school is the return to student and fraternity and sorority life. We like to call it Campus Life. Check back often to our College T-shirt page to see the latest and best coming out of our design house. We are a Nashville Screen Printer with a passion for campus life. What do you think of this design? If you have an idea for a custom designed t-shirt, we can make it a reality for you.
Friday, September 18, 2009
YouthMerch from the Coliseum
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
YouthMerch from the David statue
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tagless Tultex T-shirts
Ok so they’re not tag-less but we wanted to keep the alliteration going. Let’s face it everyone wants to wear that ring spun classic feeling t-shirt. But you have to know something: American Apparel is crazy overpriced. Here’s a couple notes : 1-They have a high price point for being made in america and they’re not all made in america anymore 2- they’re not the only ones that do it well.
We have found someone who makes that great feeling ring spun t-shirt so well and so cheaply that we cant avoid using them. Seriously, close your eyes and have someone put a Tultex T-shirt in one hand and American Apparel in the other and you wont be able to tell the difference!
When you need that Custom t-shirt printing you will get the best price and best quality at YouthMerch. A nashville screen printer we are committed to finding every possible way to get you the best price. Take a minute and check out our website for custom t-shirt designs that are perfect for your Fraternity T-shirt orSorority T-shirt
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Thoughts from the road
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Flights and such
First: In a world full of a vast array of gimmicks and scams its hard to convince people you are REALLY just trying to do something good.
- At YouthMerch we give a portion of ALL profit to the Got Your Back Movement. The GYBM distributes clothing relief around the world and at home. Including making and donating school uniforms to kids who wouldn't otherwise be able to go to school. (We are headed to Haiti in October to capture some footage of our first uniform drop)
Second: We look out for our Nashville Community folks :)
- There is enough purchasing power in our town alone that "with our powers combined" we can do something really big. Biger than our selves at least. This new model of purchasing power being steared into humanitarian efforts is not something we discovered or created but it is something we really believe in!
- Your order is not too small - every little bit counts and adds up to make a big difference
- Your order is not too BIG - our world renowned screen printing facility prints out undreds of thousands of shirts a day!
Third: We can create the right custom screen printing for you
We look forward to updating you from the road on the affects of YouthMerch around the globe!